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Savant SC210A-120 Concentrator, Thermo Fisher Scientific (CAT#: STEM-GLE-1750-LGZ)


1. Designed for sample concentrations in aqueous solutions and/or low concentrations of non-corrosive organic solvents.
2. The capacity is large.
3. The coating chamber is Teflon, providing long lasting durability against harsh solvents.

Cat Number: STEM-GLE-1750-LGZ

Application: For handling aqueous solvent applications.

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The manufacturer of Savant SC210A-120 Concentrator is Thermo Fisher Scientific. Model is SC210A-120. The Thermo Scientific Savant SC210A SpeedVac Concentrator System comes with a large room for maximum productivity. Capable of handling aqueous solvent applications, the SC210A can perform vacuum evaporation and sublimation. In this concentration system, HPLC extraction and reversed-phase solid-phase extraction extraction are the best.


Condition: used
Plexiglas lid
Automatic Bleeder Valve,
Volume Range/Tube: 0.4 to 500 mL
Maximum Tube Capacity: 200 x 1.5 mL
Teflon coated chamber provides long lasting durability against harsh solvents
3 Selectable Heating Levels of low, medium or high to optimize evaporation rate
Rotor holds (200) 1.5 mL microcentrifuge tubes


1. Designed for sample concentrations in aqueous solutions and/or low concentrations of non-corrosive organic solvents.
2. The capacity is large.
3. The coating chamber is Teflon, providing long lasting durability against harsh solvents.
4. Selectable heating level: low, medium, high to optimize evaporation rate.

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