StatStrip Lactate Point-of-Care Analyzer is a portable, POCT system that can perform lactic acid tests at patient's bedside. The StatStrip Lactate Point-of-Care Analyzer provides the fastest turnaround time (13 seconds) on the smallest whole blood sample (0.6 microliters) and can be easily operated by medical staff. StatStrip Lactate is a very low-cost device that can perform practical and affordable testing of lactic acid in any size of ED, ICU or medical unit.
Type:Portable, Biosensor Blood Lactate Monitor/Miniaturized Sample Volume:0.6 µL Dimensions:(WxDxH) 3.25 x 1.8 x 6.0 in Capacity:25 strips per vial [Data Storage: 1000 patient test results, 200 QC tests, 3000 patients, and 8000 operators] Analysis Time:13 sec Analytes:LACTATE: Arterial, Venous, (Whole blood)