SynthWAVE Single Reaction Chamber Microwave Synthesizer,990 mL, Milestone Inc. (CAT#: STEM-LE-0477-LC)


Easy Scale-Up
Faster Screening
Easy Sampling

Cat Number: STEM-LE-0477-LC

Application: Synthesizer

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SynthWAVE is designed to safely, reliably and reproducibly expand the scale of microwave-enhanced chemical reactions and flexibly perform single or multiple reactions at temperatures up to 300°C and pressures of 199 bar. SynthWAVE is very easy to use, enabling chemists to perform unprecedented large-scale batch and parallel reactions. The system gives chemists the flexibility to perform multiple independent reactions simultaneously, or use multiple solvents, catalysts or reactants in a single microwave method.


Temperature Range: Up to 300°C
Capacity: 990 mL
Synthesis Scale: Small-scale


Easy Scale-Up
Faster Screening
Easy Sampling
High Pressure Capability
Operate Under Modified Conditions
Software Controlled Stirrer
Racks and Vials