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1000ul BenchMate LTR Pipette Tips Reload Stacks, Low-Retention, Oxford Lab Products (CAT#: STEM-P-4454-LC)


Free of RNase, DNase, Cytotoxins, PCR Inhbitors, Endotoxins, and Pyrogens
Fit LTS or XLS Rainin Pipettes
Marked with Graduation markings as an additional accuracy/precision aid

Cat Number: STEM-P-4454-LC

Application: For liquid handling

Model: LTR-1000-LR

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BenchMate LTR Pipette Tips Reload Stacks supplied by Oxford Lab Products are mold from medical grade polypropylene in a fully automatic, touch-free facility using diamond-finished molds. Various QC tests and regulations ensure that each tip is manufactured according to rigorous Oxford Lab Products high quality standards. BenchMate LTR Pipette Tips Reload Stacks feature a hydrophobic interior and an ultra-fine tip point that maximizes sample delivery. BenchMate LTR Pipette Tips Reload Stacks are designed to have an easy and secure attachment. The tip seal requires minimal force but securely attaches to the pipette.


Volume: 1000μL
Quantity: 96 tips/reload, 5 reloads/stack, 5 stacks/case


Free of RNase, DNase, Cytotoxins, PCR Inhbitors, Endotoxins, and Pyrogens
Fit LTS or XLS Rainin Pipettes
Marked with Graduation markings as an additional accuracy/precision aid