2 Layers Untreated Cell Factory, STE-Mart (CAT#: STEM-CC-2719-LC)


Non-Pyrogenic, DNase/Rnase free
Vent caps with 0.22 μm hydrophobic filters for gas exchange without contamination

Cat Number: STEM-CC-2719-LC

Application: Ideal for easy medium to large scale cell culture

Model: C013002

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Cell Factory provided by STE-Mart is compact, multi-layer, single-use cell culture systems designed for easy medium to large scale cell culture applications such as commercial production of vaccines, monoclonal antibodies or pharmaceuticals. Growth kinetics are the same as cells grow in the cell culture flasks.


Treated: None Treated
Layer: 2
Cultivation Area(cm²): 1270
Length(mm): 335
Width(mm): 205.5
High (mm): 65
Pack: 1
Case: 10


Non-Pyrogenic, DNase/Rnase free
Vent caps with 0.22 μm hydrophobic filters for gas exchange without contamination