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220-MS GC Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer (CAT#: AM-LE-0266-Y)

Cat Number: AM-LE-0266-Y

Application: •&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Accurately identify and quantify trace analytes.<br />•&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The advantages of powerful CI and MS/MS upgrades can serve advanced applications.<br />•&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The instrument maintenance takes less time and spends more time on analysis.

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220-MS GC Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer is manufactured by Agilent Technologies. 220-MS is used in conjunction with Varian 450-GC. It is a highly sensitive and flexible gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer that can provide excellent performance in various applications. Qualitative and quantitative data. The system is simple and rugged, easy to operate and maintain.


Mass Analyzer: Ion Trap
Temperature Range: up to 250C (Analyzer), up to 450C (GC)
Resolution: Unit Mass (10% of Valley over Range)
Scanning Speed: 5600 Da per sec.
Mass Range: 10 to 650 Da
Ionization Method(s): Electron Ionization and Chemical Ionization (PCI)

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