2700 Select Biochemistry Analyzer, YSI Incorporated (CAT#: STEM-CCPO-0003-ZJF)


Single and dual chemistry configurations
Minimal sample preparation
Sample aspiration from a variety of tubes

Cat Number: STEM-CCPO-0003-ZJF

Application: For use in research, food-processing, and bioprocessing applications.

Model: 2700-D BIOCHEM

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The 2700 Select Biochemistry Analyzer is manufactured by YSI Incorporated.
The YSI 2700 Select Biochemistry Analyzer provides rapid, accurate analysis of key nutrients and byproducts, such as Dextrose, L-lactate, L-Glutamate, Choline, L-Glutamine, Ethanol, Hydrogen Peroxide, and Starch. Because fermentations and cell cultures require tight control of system variables to achieve consistent and desirable results, the YSI 2700 Select biochemistry analyzer regulates variables such as oxygen, pH, and temperature, as well as nutrients and byproducts. The YSI 2700 Select provides specific analyte results within a minute, requires no sample preparation like filtration or dilution, and reuses enzymes for low operating costs. The system can perform sample analysis both offline if for example consumption or production rates are slow and online for frequent monitoring and regulation.
The pre-owned products will be thoroughly cleaned and fully tested to perform at manufacturer specifications before shipping.


Condition: Certified Pre-Owned
Electrical: 110-120V, 60Hz, 1 Amp


Single and dual chemistry configurations
Minimal sample preparation
Sample aspiration from a variety of tubes
Selectable sample aspiration volume (5 to 65 ul)
Sample results in about one minute
Fluid sensing minimizes carry-over
Fluid design washes inside and outside of sipper tube
Programmable automatic calibration
Selectable concentration unites, including g/l, mg/l, mmol/l, %(w/v)
Liquid crystal display and built-in data printer
Rs-232 serial port
Turntable interface circuitry installed
User-accessible service and diagnostic menus

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