The manufacturer of the 3100 Single-Quadrupole Atmospheric Pressure Ionization (API) Mass Detector, Waters is Waters. Refurbished Waters 3100 single-quadrupole atmospheric pressure ionization (API) mass detector (p/n 186031000) complete with PC workstation, software and vacuum pump.
Condition: Refurbished, Certified Pre-owned Mass Range: 2 to 2048 m/z Scan speed: up to 10,000 Da/s complete with PC workstation software vacuum pump Optional: Waters Empower 2 & Empower 3 PC workstation Refurbished Waters Acquity UPLC with column manager, sample manager, binary solvent manager and PDA detector Waters SFO System Fluidics Organizer (p/n 186003765) Waters 2489 (p/n 186002487) Waters 2676 sample manager Waters 515 pump (p/n Wat207000) Waters 2545 BGM (p/n 186025450).
Refurbished to meet manufacturer's specification In excellent condition Thoroughly cleaned Money back guarantee Certified with warranty
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