490-PRO Micro GC System (CAT#: AM-LE-0354-Y)


• Intuitive software interface allows you to quickly set up and optimize analysis methods, correct and verify applications
• Continuous automatic operation function, which can be automatically transmitted to the selected external system through a single channel or multiple channels
• Integrated data processing and automated design, capable of automatically calculating and verifying analysis results and performing automatic calibration

Cat Number: AM-LE-0354-Y

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490-PRO Micro GC System is manufactured by Agilent Technologies. The Agilent 490 Micro Gas Chromatograph is a high-quality mobile gas chromatography analysis platform that provides you with information through modular design and components based on MEMS technology.


• Intuitive software interface allows you to quickly set up and optimize analysis methods, correct and verify applications
• Continuous automatic operation function, which can be automatically transmitted to the selected external system through a single channel or multiple channels
• Integrated data processing and automated design, capable of automatically calculating and verifying analysis results and performing automatic calibration
• Does not use any combustible gas, only a small amount of inert sample gas can be analyzed and monitored
• Accessories provided include: flow path selection valve, micro vaporizer, Genie membrane filter, LCD display, expansion board with additional relays, I/O and 4–20 mA digital output
• Powerful PROstation software allows you to quickly set up and optimize initial analysis methods, and correct and verify applications
• The automatic operation function allows the analyzer to perform continuous operations after initial setup, and then automatically transfer the original results or processed results to an external system
• Because the 490-Pro Micro Gas Chromatograph does not use any combustible gas, and only requires a small amount of inert sample gas for analysis and monitoring, it can ensure its safe operation
• Using narrow-diameter capillaries, PLOT, or micro-packed columns, accurate gas analysis can be completed quickly in seconds instead of minutes, providing higher product quality and superior product value for your application
• The analyzer has up to 4 independent analytical gas chromatography channels, each with a gas path control device, sampler, chromatographic column, and detector

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