5500 Series Compact FTIR (CAT#: AM-LE-0075-Y)


• 5500t: Easy to use: Place a drop of liquid on the surface of the 5500t analyzer, and then rotate the second window into place to clamp the sample to quickly analyze the sample
• 5500a: Depending on the application, single reflection diamond ATR (solid and liquid identification), three reflection or five reflection diamond ATR (liquid analysis) are available
• 5500 Dialpath: Provides a longer path transmission spectrum capability, and its format is easy to use

Cat Number: AM-LE-0075-Y

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5500 Series Compact FTIR is manufactured by Agilent Technologies. This device combines intuitive software, innovative sampling interface and high-performance optics to provide you with information about liquid and solid samples quickly and reliably.


Item: 5500 Series Compact FTIR
Company: Agilent Technologies
Wavelength Range: 4000 to 650 cm-1
Resolution: up to 4 cm-1
Optical System: Low Powered Solid State Laser


• 5500t: Easy to use: Place a drop of liquid on the surface of the 5500t analyzer, and then rotate the second window into place to clamp the sample to quickly analyze the sample
• 5500a: Depending on the application, single reflection diamond ATR (solid and liquid identification), three reflection or five reflection diamond ATR (liquid analysis) are available
• 5500 Dialpath: Provides a longer path transmission spectrum capability, and its format is easy to use
• GLP/GMP software can be upgraded to meet 21 CFR 11 regulations by adding pharmaceutical software packages
• Multi-language software guides users through each step of operation, and color-coded prompts make it easy for users to see if samples meet specifications

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