563 Bayard-Alpert Gauge Tube (CAT#: AM-LE-0453-Y)

Cat Number: AM-LE-0453-Y

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The 563 Bayard-Alpert Gauge Tube is manufactured by Agilent Technologies. It uses a heated filament as an electron source, and a platinum coating inside the glass housing. It has excellent performance in the pressure range of 2 x 10 ^-10 to 1 x 10^ -3 torr performance.


Sensitivity: 10 (Torr)-1 (mbar)-1 (normally)
X-ray limit value: 2 x 10^-10 Torr, (2.6 x 10^-10 mbar)
Working pressure: 2 x 10^-10 Torr to 1 x 10^-3 Torr

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