6082A 2.112 GHz RF Generator, Fluke (CAT#: STEM-AIAEPO-0997-ZJF)


Full modulation capability standard
AM, FM, pulse, and phase modulation can be combined for complex signal simulation

Cat Number: STEM-AIAEPO-0997-ZJF

Application: Mostly to measure responses of filters, amplifiers, and electrical components

Model: 6082A

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The manufacturer of the 6082A 2.112 GHz RF Generatoris Fluke.
The RF generator is a tool to generate sinusoidal outputs while testing electronic equipment.
The Fluke 6082A RF Signal Generator features high performance modulation, wide output level range, and exceptionally high spectral purity. The 6082A is ideal for handling critical receiver tests, RF design, and ATE systems applications.
The product is located in Elgin, IL, USA.


Condition: Certified Pre-owned
Frequency: 2.112 GHz
Fequency range: 0.1 MHz to 2112 MHz
Phase noise at 1 ghz: -131 dBc/Hz at 20 kHz offset
Non-harmonic spurious performance: -100 dBc at 1 GHz


Full modulation capability standard
AM, FM, pulse, and phase modulation can be combined for complex signal simulation

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