640-IR FT-IR Spectrometer (CAT#: AM-LE-0070-Y)


• Fast spectrum acquisition and excellent analytical performance can provide high-quality spectra in seconds, achieving high productivity and confidence in the results
• The system has a long operating life, easy to replace components, saving time and money
• Simple creation of spectral library, one-click search function, can be used for custom or commercial spectral library

Cat Number: AM-LE-0070-Y

Model: 640-IR

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640-IR FT-IR Spectrometer is manufactured by Agilent Technologies, is a simple operation, using high-performance operating software for control, low cost of ownership. It has mid-infrared or near-infrared configuration, it is not only an ideal choice for QA/QC applications, but also a perfect educational tool.


Wavelength Range:11000 to 735 cm^-1 depending on Optics (Mid-IR and Near-IR)


• Fast spectrum acquisition and excellent analytical performance can provide high-quality spectra in seconds, achieving high productivity and confidence in the results
• The system has a long operating life, easy to replace components, saving time and money
• Simple creation of spectral library, one-click search function, can be used for custom or commercial spectral library
• The built-in instrument performance test provides performance proof and confidence in the results
• Intuitive software operation allows you to perform all common functions with a simple click of a button
• The sealed and dry housing uses a 750g desiccant box
• Instruments that have been proven by acoustic technology and design for decades

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