96-Well Deep-Well Plates, Non-Sterile, 1.0 mL, Tapered Well, Natural, PS, Caplugs Evergreen (CAT#: STEM-MPS-0903-LC)


Compatible with 8-channel and 12-channel pipetters
Distinct alpha-numeric well designations
EZ Seal™ film compatible

Cat Number: STEM-MPS-0903-LC

Application: Useful for specimen storage, dilution and DNA sequencing

Model: 290-8551-01N

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96-Well Deep-Well Plates manufactured by Caplugs Evergreen have the same footprint as the regular microplates and are available in sterile and non-sterile versions.


Style: Non-sterile
Lid: No Lid
Well Volume: 1.0 mL
Well Shape: Tapered
Color: Natural
Material: Polystyrene (PS)
Package Type: 5/Bag
Carton Qty: 20


Compatible with 8-channel and 12-channel pipetters
Distinct alpha-numeric well designations
EZ Seal™ film compatible