The manufacturer of the ABI QStar Elite System, Applied Biosystems is Applied Biosystems. Refurbished ABI Q-Star Elite high-performance, hybrid quadrupole Time-of-Flight (TOF) (p/n 1017064) mass spectrometer for high resolution and high mass accuracy measurements. The Applied Biosystems/ABI QSTAR Elite is complete with turbo ionspray source (p/n 019296 G), vacuum pump (p/n 022832), manuals, and PC with Analyst, Protein Pilot and Markerview software.
Condition: Refurbished, Certified Pre-owned complete with turbo ionspray source (p/n 019296 G) vacuum pump (p/n 022832) manuals PC with Analyst Protein Pilot and Markerview software Optional: NanoSpray II source (p/n 1014665) (with two mounted cameras) Nanospray source (p/n 1003758) with cameras Applied Biosystems Metabolite ID 1.3 for Analyst QS 2.0 Software (p/n 1020463) Vici M6 LHS M6 developmental V-1.0.4b (p/n I-PD-C2A) SIIG RU LCT- D94V-0 MCD-1510A 14.7456MHZ TQG 3XT Board (p/n P030-62)
Refurbished to meet manufacturer's specification In excellent condition Thoroughly cleaned Money back guarantee Certified with warranty
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