ACE Squibb Separatory Funnel With Locktight Stopper, 500 mL, Stopper Joint: ST/NS 24/40, Ace Glass, Inc. (CAT#: STEM-L-2851-LC)

Cat Number: STEM-L-2851-LC

Application: Separation of material

Model: Z243280

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The ACE Squibb Separatory Funnel with Locktight Stopper manufactured by Ace Glass comes with 1:5 PTFE plug, stopper, cap, and O-ring. The reliable seal is achieved by the stopper fixed in the threaded top joint by a cap and Viton® O-ring. The stopper will not fall during shaking or transportation.


Stopper Joint: ST/NS 24/40
Capacity: 500 mL

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