The manufacturer of the Acquity UPLC H-Class Quaternary Solvent Manager is Waters Corporation. The Waters Acquity Quaternary solvent Manager (QSM) is a high-pressure pump that can simultaneously pump four degassed solvents through the Acquity UPLC H-Class system. The pump can deliver gradients in eleven curve shapes (linear, two step, four convex, 4 concave). The Waters H-Class QSM features four independently controlled solvent channels, allowing for precise control over the composition and flow rate of the mobile phase. The device is capable of delivering up to 6.5 mL/min of each solvent, making it suitable for high-throughput applications. The compact design of the QSM makes it easy to integrate into existing UPLC systems, and its user-friendly interface makes it simple to operate.
Condition: Pre-owned 100-µl mixer/filter: Mixes an filters the solvent before it reaches the pump outlet. Accumulator pump: Receives solvent from the primary pump and delivers it to the vent valve Check-valve: A ball check-valve that allows flow in only one direction. Degasser vent tube: Vents exhaust from the degasser pump Drain fitting (to waste): Connects the waste tubing to the leak management system. Drip tray: Collects fluid leaks. Gradient proportioning valve (GPV): Blends solvents to create accurate gradients, regardless of solvent compressibility and system backpressure. The system includes two gradient proportioning valves, one for solvent channels A and B, and one for solvent channels C and D. i2 Valve: An electronically controlled ball check-valve that allows flow in only one direction Inlet manifold: A component that combines the solvents upstream of pumps. Leak sensor: Continuously monitors the quaternary solvent manager for leaks and stops the system flow when its optical sensor detects about 1.5 mL of accumulated, leaked liquid in its surrounding reservoir. Low pressure inlet filters (A, B, C, and D): A filter that removes particulates from incoming solvent Mobile phase degasser chambers: Removes dissolved gasses from mobile phase solvents and exhausts them, and any condensates, through waste tubing Note: Vacuum degassing can change the composition of mixed solvents. Pressure transducer cable connectors: The electrical connections for the pressure transducers located on the front of the actuators. Primary pump: Draws solvent, transferring it to the accumulator pump and system as part of the serial flow design. Sample manager purge solvent degasser: Degasses the sample manager pump solvent Note: Vacuuming degassing can change the composition of mixed solvents. Seal wash pump: The pump that circulates solvent, to keep the actuator’s high pressure seals and plungers free of contaminants. Seal wash waste fitting: Directs seal wash waste to the drip tray Solvent vent tubing: Tubing that vents solvent to waste during priming. Optional solvent selection valve: Select up to six different solvents for isocratic and gradient applications. When present, the valve is plumbed to solvent channel D, enabling selections D1 through D6. Vent valve: A valve that automatically switches to waste during priming and a block position during the leak test
Refurbished to meet manufacturer's specification In excellent condition Thoroughly cleaned Certified with warranty