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Agilent 1100 Series - G1946D LC/MS System, Agilent Technologies (CAT#: STEM-MS-0057-LGZ)


1. The Agilent 1100 Series LC/MSD is a quadrupolar-based atmospheric pressure ionization (API) instrument capable of electrospray ionization (ESI) and atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI).
2. LC/MSD can handle normal HIGH performance liquid chromatography flow rates (1 ml/min) without splitting effluent, with minimal adjustability of spray chambers.
3. It provides the dynamic range and repeatability required for most quantitative applications.

Cat Number: STEM-MS-0057-LGZ

Application: For LC/MS analysis.

Model: 1100 Series - G1946D

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The manufacturer of Agilent 1100 Series - G1946D LC/MS System is Agilent Technologies. Model is 1100 Series - G1946D. Agilent 1100 Series LC/MSD is a benchtop mass spectrometer that can be integrated with 1100 Series HPLC systems. The 1100 series LC/MSD offers many advantages as an LC detector. System includes: G1946D LC/MSD Mass Spectrometer Series SL, Roughing Pump, Optional Front end HPLC.


Condition: used
Mass Range: 2-3000 m/z
Mass Accuracy: +/-.13 u within the calibrated mass range in scan mode
Mass Axis Stability: +- 0.13 u over 8 hours
Scan Speed:
2500 u/s standard mode
5250 u/s fast scan mode
SIM Sensitivity:
ESI at 400 µL/min
APCI at 1000 µL/min
Selected ion monitoring of m/z 609.3
Positive ionization
Signal To Noise Ratio
Quantity: 1 pg reserpine 100: 1 RMS (20: 1 peak-to-peak)
Scan Sensitivity:
ESI at 400 µL/min
APCI at 1000 µL/min
Scan range m/z 100-650
Scan speed 2500 u/s
Extracted ion at m/z 609.3
Positive ionization
Signal To Noise Ratio
Quantity: 50 pg reserpine 100: 1 RMS (20: 1 peak-to-peak)
Multiple Signal Acquisition: Ability to cycle through four different acquisition modes on a scan-by-scan basis within a single run


1. The Agilent 1100 Series LC/MSD is a quadrupolar-based atmospheric pressure ionization (API) instrument capable of electrospray ionization (ESI) and atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI).
2. LC/MSD can handle normal HIGH performance liquid chromatography flow rates (1 ml/min) without splitting effluent, with minimal adjustability of spray chambers.
3. It provides the dynamic range and repeatability required for most quantitative applications.
4. In SIM mode, it has high sensitivity.
5. For compounds lacking strong chromophore, it provides detection limits that other detectors cannot achieve.
6. By providing a unit mass resolution of M/Z 3000, LC/MSD allows characterization of large proteins above 60,000 KDalton.
7. Extending the mass range to 3000 also facilitates the study of modified proteins with charge distribution above M /z 2000, such as glycoproteins.

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