Agilent 6890 GC Gas Chromatograph Series, -40˚C to 65˚C, HP Agilent (CAT#: STEM-CPO-0022-YJL)


Agilent 6890 offers a complete selection of inlets: split/splitless, purged-packed, cool on-column, PTV, and volatiles interface
A wide selection of the most sensitive detectors including flame ionization (FID), thermal conductivity (TCD), NPD, micro-ECD, MSD and HP 5972, HP 5973 Mass Selective Detectors
Early maintenance feedback (EMF) alerts you when upkeep is due

Cat Number: STEM-CPO-0022-YJL

Application: For various research laboratory applications including hydrocarbon processing, food safety, pesticide determination, chemical analysis, biodiesel, drug screening, toxicology, environmental and law enforcement.

Model: Agilent 6890

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Agilent 6890 GC Gas Chromatograph Series, -40˚C to 65˚C, model Agilent 6890, is manufactured by HP Agilent. The Agilent 6890 series GC (Gas Chromatography system) sometime referred to as the HP 6890 is the high performing successor of the HP Agilent 5890 gas chromatograph line. It is considered as one of the best Gas Chromatograph (GC) systems today which produces excellent results for various research laboratory applications including hydrocarbon processing, food safety, pesticide determination, chemical analysis, biodiesel, drug screening, toxicology, environmental and law enforcement. The Agilent 6890N or “N” version is networkable while the Agilent 6890 is not.
This newer model features an electronic pneumatics control of all flows and gas pressures. The Agilent 6890 has on-board sensors that automatically compensate for ambient temperature changes and barometric pressure differences. These sensors allow for more accurate and reproducible results. The EPC feature of the Agilent 6890 GC series improves laboratory productivity and reduces recalibration frequency. Each EPC unit is optimized for intended use.
Overall thermal performance of the Agilent 6890 GC provides optimal chromatography including peak symmetry and retention index accuracy while delivering fast results. The Agilent 6890 GC is capable of producing accurate temperature readings with outstanding retention time repeatability, which is the basis for all chromatographic measurement.


Condition: Certified Pre-Owned
Height: 50 cm (19.7 in.)
Width: 58 cm (26.8 in.)
Depth: 54 cm (21.6 in.)
Average Weight: 49 kg (108 lb)
Networkable: No
Ambient Operating Temperature: 15 ˚C to 35 ˚C
Ambient Operating Humidity: 5-95 %
Storage Extremes: -40˚C to 65˚C
Line Voltage Requirements: ±5% of nominal
Dimensions: 28 x 31 x 16 cm
Operating temperature: 4˚C above ambient to 450˚C
Maximum run time: 120˚C/min
Available Detectors for the Agilent 6890 GC: Flame ionization detector (FID); Thermal conductivity detector (TCD); Micro-electron capture detector (micro-ECD); Nitrogen-phosphorus detector (NPD); Single- or dual-wavelength flame photometric detectors (FPD); Atomic emission detector (AED); Mass selective detector (MSD)


Agilent 6890 offers a complete selection of inlets: split/splitless, purged-packed, cool on-column, PTV, and volatiles interface
A wide selection of the most sensitive detectors including flame ionization (FID), thermal conductivity (TCD), NPD, micro-ECD, MSD and HP 5972, HP 5973 Mass Selective Detectors
Early maintenance feedback (EMF) alerts you when upkeep is due
Several alternative sample introduction techniques including headspace, purge and trap and valving
Equipped with Electronic Pneumatics Control (EPC) feature

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