Allihn Condensers With Removable Hose Connections, Joint Size 29/42, Jacket Length 400mm, STE-Mart (CAT#: STEM-CON-0125-LC)


With detachable small nozzle joint
With a tapered inner joint at the bottom,and a standard outer joint at the top

Cat Number: STEM-CON-0125-LC

Application: Ideal for vacuum distillation

Model: A3501-D400mm-1EA

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Allihn Condensers With Removable Hose Connections provided by STE-Mart have a larger surface area than that of Liebig types. This bulb type Allihn condenser provides the best uniformity condensation effect and is ideal for vacuum distillation.


Material: Borosilicate glass
Color: Clear
Joint Size: 29/42
Jacket Length: 400mm
Hose Connection O.D.: 8mm
Package: 1EA


With detachable small nozzle joint
With a tapered inner joint at the bottom,and a standard outer joint at the top

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