GX-241 LH Gilson Rs232, w/Z Drive, Gilson (CAT#: AM-AUTO-0149-LY)


Utilizing only 39 cm of linear bench space, the two-rack capacity liquid handler has the ability to hold hundreds of samples ranging from 2-mL vials to 100-mm test tubes. This flexible platform can also hold up to four shallow or deep well 96-well microplates.

Cat Number: AM-AUTO-0149-LY

Application: Liquid Handling

Model: 26150007

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The GX-241 LH Gilson Rs232, w/Z Drive is manufactured by Gilson, Inc. The liquid handler provides a dual rack platform for large or small volume injection and automatic fraction collection using test tubes, vials or miniboards. By using a direct injection port with a volume range of 1 μL to 5 mL, the sample can be delivered to the valve with the smallest dead volume and no connecting pipe, reducing carrying and pollution. The liquid processor also has two transfer ports for transferring samples to non bed detection equipment, which is an ideal choice for flow injection analysis (FIA) to conductivity, colorimeter and absorbance detector.


Purification Technique: PLC
Pack Size: 1
Nominal Volume: No
Packsize Unit: No
Channels: No


Utilizing only 39 cm of linear bench space, the two-rack capacity liquid handler has the ability to hold hundreds of samples ranging from 2-mL vials to 100-mm test tubes. This flexible platform can also hold up to four shallow or deep well 96-well microplates.