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mosquito® X1, TTP LabTech (CAT#: AM-AUTO-0198-LY)

Cat Number: AM-AUTO-0198-LY

Application: rapid, automated hit-picking, spotting on to slides or custom devices with non-standard well pitch.

Model: mosquito® X1

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The mosquito® X1 is manufactured by TTP LabTech. It uses a unique positive displacement technology to accurately sample any single well in any plate with low volume. Its hit pick-up capability is very suitable for hit confirmation and secondary analysis of HTS, as well as high-throughput sample normalization and synthetic biology (DNA assembly). With precise sampling, mosquito X1 enables researchers to quickly select any number of samples from any well on the deck and assign them to another location. Mosquito X1 is the only application suitable for high-throughput cloning of assembled DNA structures from multiple DNA parts.


Pipetting range: 25 nL - 1.2 μL or 500 nL - 5 μL
Throughput: average of 6 seconds cycle time (aspirate, move, dispense, change tip)
Supported SBS plate formats (source and/or destination): 96, 384 and 1,536 (plus other supported microplates)
Accessories: Active humidity chamber, spool cover, cherry picker II integration
Weight: 27 kg (59 lbs)
Dimensions (W x D x H): 390 mm (790 mm 5 plate deck) x 470 mm x 690 mm
15.5 in (17.3 in) x 18.5 in x 27 in
Technical variants: 2 or 5 plate position deck