ADDA High-speed Autosampler, Apricot Designs (CAT#: AM-AUTO-0230-LY)


The system achieves its speed and flexibility with 2 high-speed, high-accuracy robotic arms, each equipped with a syringe and four injection ports.
Batches can be submitted to use either one arm or both arms simultaneously.
The plumbing can be set up on a per-injection-port basis, allowing up to 8 different gradients and columns to be left on the system.

Cat Number: AM-AUTO-0230-LY

Application: LC/MS

Model: ADDA High-speed Autosampler

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The ADDA High-speed Autosampler is manufactured by Apricot Designs. It is a dual-arm, high-speed autosampler that provides ADME discovery scientists with the fastest high-quality sample delivery platform available for LC/MS. With the ADDA system, which is a comprehensive system designed for the discovery lab, permeability, transport, metabolic stability and drug-drug interaction screening assays can be rapidly turned around with a single mass spectrometer system, saving critical time in the drug discovery process.


2 High Speed Robotic Arms equipped with syringes
8 Independent Injector Ports
4 Onboard Valves
2 Wash stations (one for each arm) each with 2 wash solvent capability
96 well and 384 well plates supported
ADDA Software control system and sample submission with full batch setup


The system achieves its speed and flexibility with 2 high-speed, high-accuracy robotic arms, each equipped with a syringe and four injection ports.
Batches can be submitted to use either one arm or both arms simultaneously.
The plumbing can be set up on a per-injection-port basis, allowing up to 8 different gradients and columns to be left on the system.
Four onboard valves simplify the plumbing for the system.
Testing with multiple chromatographic setups, direct infusion and high-speed trap and elute experiments can be performed in a completely automated fashion. Alternatively, if two different scientists are using the system, they can run independent experiments easily by each using a different arm.