BenchCel Microplate Handler, Agilent Technologies (CAT#: AM-AUTO-0430-LY)


High Speed – 8-second transfer time from stack to instrument
Flexible Capacity – 2-, 4-, or 6-rack options for a maximum of 360 standard microplates
Scalable Configuration – Integration of multiple instruments into a single benchtop system

Cat Number: AM-AUTO-0430-LY

Application: Liquid Handling

Model: BenchCel Microplate Handler

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The BenchCel Microplate Handler is manufactured by Agilent Technologies. It is a compact, microplate storage and handling system designed for integration with a variety of laboratory devices. It features a high-speed robot, and its modular design provides the flexibility and scalability required to meet the needs of the most diverse laboratory applications. The BenchCel Microplate Handler can be powered by the Agilent VWorks software or accessed through its ActiveX control for integration into any other software platform.


Capacity: 2-, 4-, or 6-rack Options for a Maximum of 360 Standard Microplates
Plate Formats: Microplates/ Lidded Microplates/ Tipboxes/ Tube Racks
Speed: 8-second transfer time from stack to instrument
Robotic Arm(s): Yes


High Speed – 8-second transfer time from stack to instrument
Flexible Capacity – 2-, 4-, or 6-rack options for a maximum of 360 standard microplates
Scalable Configuration – Integration of multiple instruments into a single benchtop system
Convenience – Storage and handling of most microplates, lidded microplates, tipboxes and tube racks
Freedom – 66% more walk-away time than competitive systems
Expediency – Delidding function removes and replaces microplate lids as necessary
Intelligence – VWorks includes a labware database capable of managing most labware, including standard microplates, filter plates, deep-well microplates, tipboxes, and tube racks