Level 1® H-1025 Fast Flow Fluid Warmer (CAT#: AM-FBE-0194-LC)


Automated Pressure Chambers: Rigid pressure chambers accommodate standard blood and crystalloid bags, providing a constant 300mmHg pressure for rapid infusion while allowing for fast and easy bag changes
Heat Exchanger: Aluminum heat exchanger transfers heat 1000 times faster than plastic
Gas Vent: The Gas Vent provides the added feature of automated air elimination, which eliminates microbubbles without the need for frequent repriming.

Cat Number: AM-FBE-0194-LC

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When lives are at stake from severe blood loss due to trauma or major surgery, the Level 1® H-1025 Fast Flow Fluid Warmer provides a rapid flow of warmed fluids, such as crystalloid or blood product, including red blood cells, as volume replacement. Even a small drop in a patient's body temperature can be detrimental – delaying recovery or allowing infection to set in. With Level 1's proven technology, the blood or fluid is inherently free of any "hot spots," as the H-1025 employs a safe, sealed heating system. The on-board recirculating solution is heated to a pre-set manufacturer's temperature set point of 42° C for efficient heat exchange and maximum fluid warming benefits. The H-1025 is capable of delivering normothermic fluids at a wide range of rates, from 75 ml/hour to 1100 ml/minute. In addition, the compact, custom IV pole mount provides a sturdy and versatile workstation with flanking side poles for the addition of syringe pumps or infusion pumps.


Automated Pressure Chambers: Rigid pressure chambers accommodate standard blood and crystalloid bags, providing a constant 300mmHg pressure for rapid infusion while allowing for fast and easy bag changes
Heat Exchanger: Aluminum heat exchanger transfers heat 1000 times faster than plastic
Gas Vent: The Gas Vent provides the added feature of automated air elimination, which eliminates microbubbles without the need for frequent repriming.
Built-In Safety Features: Monitors reservoir temperature to prevent overheating, with an audible and visual alarm if reservoir temperature reaches 43.9° C.
Built-In Safety Features: Audible and visual alarms also indicate if disposable is not inserted correctly or if recirculating solution in reservoir is below the minimum desired level
Meets all AABB standards for blood warming

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