ONYX Liquid Embolic System (CAT#: AM-IA-0004-LC)

Cat Number: AM-IA-0004-LC

Application: Used for embolization of selected intracerebral aneurysms

Model: Onyx HD-500

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Onyx Liquid Embolic System (Onyx HD-500) (Covidien / ev3 Neurovascular) is a non-stick liquid embolizer that has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration as a humane device for embolizing intracerebral aneurysms which is not suitable for primary coiling or other endovascular treatments. It consists of a 20% ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and mixed with micronized tantalum powder for fluoroscopic visualization. Onyx HD 500 is a liquid that will solidify when contacted with blood. After contacting the blood, Onyx will precipitate into a sponge-like mold through DSMO diffusion and conform to the shape of the aneurysm for volume filling prior to solidification. The Onyx HD-500 embolization surgery is performed by a physician trained in neurological intervention in the hospital using general anesthesia, systemic heparinization, and continuous monitoring. The length of hospital stay and recovery time varies with many factors, including the type of aneurysm, the patient's condition, and comorbidities.