Baha® Attract System (CAT#: AM-IA-0104-LY)


Enhance the patient's speech understanding ability;
Baha Attract System magnets have different strengths to meet your individual needs;
Baha SoftWear ™ pads are provided to comfortably adapt to the shape of the head and distribute pressure evenly across the entire surface;

Cat Number: AM-IA-0104-LY

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Baha Attract System, comfort and simplicity in bone conduction implant solutions. By using mutually attracting internal and external magnets, it is both comfortable and easy to use.


1、Baha 5
2、Baha 5 SuperPower
3、Baha Attract Magnet and SoftWear™ Pad
4、Baha 5 Power


Enhance the patient's speech understanding ability;
Baha Attract System magnets have different strengths to meet your individual needs;
Baha SoftWear ™ pads are provided to comfortably adapt to the shape of the head and distribute pressure evenly across the entire surface;
MRI safety must be considered in the design: Baha Attract System has been approved for 1.5 Tesla MRI.

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