PROMUS Element Plus Stent System (CAT#: AM-IA-0209-LC)


More than two times compression resistance of Cobalt Chromium stents
40% less recoil than Cobalt-Chromium
Outstanding visibility and radiopacity

Cat Number: AM-IA-0209-LC

Application: Improve coronary luminal diameter

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The PROMUS Element Plus stent system combines its highly visible platinum-chrome alloy with an innovative stent design (with excellent compression resistance) and the market-leading Everolimus drug, setting a new standard for drug-eluting stent performance.


Diameter: 2.25 mm
Length: 12 mm
Cath usable length: 144 mm
Ballon nominal perssure ATM kPa: 11/1117
Ballon rated burst pressure ATM kPa: 18/1827
Guide catheter compatibility F mm: 5/1.42
Recommended guide sheat F mm: 4/1.5
Catheter outer diameter F mm: 2.3-2.7/ 0.80-0.95
Guidewire compatibility in mm: 0.014 / 0.36
Crossing profile in mm: 0.040 / 1.02


More than two times compression resistance of Cobalt Chromium stents
40% less recoil than Cobalt-Chromium
Outstanding visibility and radiopacity
Oustanding efficacy
Ensure safety for long term
Excellent performance in more than 1800 patients in Coronary PROMUS Platinum clinical program
Better compliance to deliver drug into irregular and calcified plaques
Bi-Segment™ Inner Shaft optimizes pushability and traceability
Over-The-Wire and Monorail can match technique preferences of physicians