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Dispensette® S DE-M Organic Analog-adjustable Bottle-top Dispenser, 2.5-25 mL, with recirculation valve, BRAND (CAT#: AM-LH-2751-TT)


Fast and safe volume setting with new internal fan track.
Use the tools provided for simple calibration adjustments.
Minimum operating force, maximum comfort.

Cat Number: AM-LH-2751-TT

Application: Liquid dispensing

Model: 4630151

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The Dispensette® S DE-M Organic Analog-adjustable Bottle-top Dispenser, 2.5 - 25 mL, with recirculation valve, BRAND is your preferred solution for direct bottle-top dispensing. It makes dispensing liquids safer and easier. Due to the special function design of the piston, it runs smoothly with the minimum force required for filling and dispensing. Fast volume adjustment and reliable setting. Its bottle cap dispenser has a good record in requiring continuous use and use with corrosive substances. This product is an ideal method for the dispensing of organic solvents, including chlorinated and fluorinated hydrocarbons (e.g., trichlorofluoroethane and dichloromethane), such as concentrated HCl and HNO₃ (except HF), trifluoroacetic acid (TFA), tetrahydrofuran (THF) and peroxide acids.


Fast and safe volume setting with new internal fan track.
Use the tools provided for simple calibration adjustments.
Minimum operating force, maximum comfort.
Trust challenging continuous operations and aggressive media.

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