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BioGlue® Surgical Adhesive (CAT#: AM-MP-0121-LY)


No need to mix or refactor.
Ready to use within a few seconds.
The simple design enables unmatched ease of use.

Cat Number: AM-MP-0121-LY

Application: BioGlue® Surgical Adhesive is the leading surgical adhesive used in cardiovascular surgery. BioGlue also adheres to the synthetic graft material by mechanical bonding in the interstices of the graft matrix.

Model: BioGlue®

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The two components of BioGlue, purified bovine serum albumin (BSA) and glutaraldehyde, are distributed through a controlled delivery system. After dispensing, the two ingredients are completely mixed within the tip of the applicator. When BioGlue is applied to the tissue at the repair site, it will begin to polymerize within 20 to 30 seconds and reach full strength within two minutes.


CryoLife's BioGlue syringe is a easy to use, disposable delivery system requiring no thawing, reconstitution or manual mixing. The pre-filled syringes are available in 2mL, 5mL, and 10mL capacities to meet the hemostasis needs of surgeons.


No need to mix or refactor.
Ready to use within a few seconds.
The simple design enables unmatched ease of use.
The unprecedented strength and versatility enable it to be used effectively even in the most complex cardiovascular surgery.