Analysis of molecularly imprinted polymer nanoparticles (MIP-NPs) by Differential Scanning Fluorimetry(DSF) (CAT#: STEM-MB-0776-WXH)


The development of molecularly imprinted polymer nanoparticles (MIP-NPs), which specifically bind biomolecules, is of great interest in the area of biosensors, sample purification, therapeutic agents and biotechnology. Polymerisation techniques such as precipitation polymerisation, solid phase synthesis and core shell surface imprinting have allowed for significant improvements to be made in developing MIP-NPs which specifically recognise proteins. However, the development of MIP-NPs for protein templates (targets) still require lengthy optimisation and characterisation using different ratios of monomers in order to control their size, binding affinity and specificity. Differential scanning fluorimetry (DSF) can be used to rapidly determine the optimum imprinting conditions and monomer composition required for MIP-NP design and polymerisation.


Differential Scanning Fluorimetry measures protein thermal unfolding by monitoring changes in fluorescence emission of a sample upon heating. This allows the determination of protein thermostability and complex formation even with weakly binding ligands by thermal shift assay. Differential Scanning Fluorimetry is therefore ideally suited for screening of optimum buffer conditions like pH, buffer composition and ionic strength. The technique is applicable to any biological sample, from soluble proteins to integral membrane proteins.


To identify low-molecular-weight ligands that bind and stabilize purified proteins.
To measure the denaturation and unfolding of proteins.


1. Preparation of compound solutions
2. Preparation of buffer/additive screen plates
3. Preparation of compound storage plates
4. Equipment preparation
5. Sample preparation
30. Performing the scan


Real-time PCR instrument