Analysis of Tertiary Order Structure by Electron Microscope (CAT#: STEM-B-0376-CJ)


Structure and conformation of a biological molecule is key for its function. The higher order structure of a biopharmaceutical molecule is, thereby, often directly connected to the quality, stability, safety, and efficacy of a therapy. The higher order structure is considered a critical quality attribute and, thus, a detailed understanding of the higher order structure of a biopharmaceutical compound is critical in every research and development phase. Characterizing the secondary, tertiary and, if present, quaternary structure of a biopharmaceutical compound requires multiple analytical techniques.

The overall three-dimensional conformation of a single polypeptide chain (a protein molecule) is referred to as the tertiary structure, which typically includes different elements of secondary structures such as α helices, β sheets, random coils, and loops. Bonds between side chains (R groups) of amino acids—including hydrophobic interactions, hydrogen bonds, and ionic bonds —contribute to the tertiary structure.

In addition, there is one type of covalent bond that can also contribute to tertiary structure: the disulfide bond. Disulfide bonds are a type of post-translational modification (PTM) formed between sulfur-containing side chains of cysteine residues, allowing distant parts of the protein to be held together. They are abundantly found in secretory proteins and extracellular domains of membrane proteins.


The electron microscope uses a beam of electrons and their wave-like characteristics to magnify an object's image, unlike the optical microscope that uses visible light to magnify images. Electron Microscopes (EMs) function like their optical counterparts except that they use a focused beam of electrons instead of photons to "image" the specimen and gain information as to its structure and composition.




1. Sample preparation.
2. A stream of high voltage electrons (usually 5-100 KeV) is formed by the Electron Source (usually a heated tungsten or field emission filament) and accelerated in a vacuum toward the specimen using a positive electrical potential.
3. This stream is confined and focused using metal apertures and magnetic lenses into a thin, focused, monochromatic beam.
4. This beam is focused onto the sample using a magnetic lens.
5. Interactions occur inside the irradiated sample, affecting the electron beam.
These interactions and effects are detected and transformed into an image.


• Sample: Proteins
• Equipment: Electron Microscopes


• TEM: magnifies 50 to ~50 million times; the specimen appears flat.
• SEM: magnifies 5 to ~ 500,000 times; sharp images of surface features.
• STEM: magnifies 5 to ~50 million times; the specimen appears flat.