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Andor Technology iXon Ultra 888 BVF USB3 EMCCD Microscope Camera, Andor (CAT#: STEM-M-0223-LGZ)


1. Single Photon Sensitive & > 95% QE - Optimal SNR in light starved applications such as single molecule detection and the best signal-to-noise ratio in quantum physics.
2. Added "SRRF-Stream" (optional) - real-time, unit super-resolution function. Live and fixed cells, work on most modern fluorescence microscopes. Resolution up to 50 nm.
3. The overclocking reading speed follows the dynamic change process.

Cat Number: STEM-M-0223-LGZ

Application: For fluorescence microscopy applications.

Model: iXon Ultra 888 BVF

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The manufacturer of Andor Technology iXon Ultra 888 BVF USB3 EMCCD Microscope Camera is Andor. Model is iXon Ultra 888 BVF. This highly innovative megapixel camera offers single-photon sensitivity over a large field of view at 26 frames per second. Based on a rich history of innovation to the market, the "supercharged" xon Ultra 888 represents a huge performance boost for the largest EMCCD sensor, and the first EMCCD camera to support USB 3.0. The iXon Ultra 888 has been radically redesigned to deliver 3x faster pixel readout to an unprecedented 30mhz, while maintaining quantitative stability, boosting full-frame performance to video rates. Designed to be the most flexible, easy-to-use EMCCD on the market, it can be optimized with the OptAcquire™ function to meet a variety of application needs. Crucially, the iXon brand has an industry-leading reputation for quality and reliability, with an unmatched record of minimal field failures.


Condition: used
Sensor QE: Back-illuminated, standard AR coated with fringe suppression
Active Pixels: 1024 x 1024
Pixel Size: 13 x 13 μm
Image Area: 13.3 x 13.3 mm with 100% Fill Factor
Pixel Readout Rate:
Minimum Temperature, air cooled, ambient 20 °C: 10 MHz -80 °C, 30 MHz•3 -60 °C
Chiller Liquid Cooling, coolant @ 10 °C, >0.75 L/min: 10 MHz -95 °C, 30 MHz•3 -75 °C
Thermostatic Precision: ± 0.01 °C
Triggering: Internal, External, External Start, External Exposure, Software Trigger
System Window Type:
#BV and BVF: UV-grade fused silica, Broadband Visible-Near Infrared, 0.5 degree wedge
UVB, #EX, EXF: UV-grade fused silica, Broadband Vacuum Ultraviolet-Near Infrared, 0.5 degree wedge
Digitization: 16-bit (at all speeds)
PC Interface: USB 3.0•12
Lens Mount: C-mount
Direct Data: Access Camera Link 3-tap output
Dark Current and Background Events•4,5:
Dark Current (e- /pixel/sec) @ -80 °C: 0.00025
Dark Current (e- /pixel/sec) @ max cooling: 0.00011
Spurious Background (events/pix) @ 1000x gain / -85 °C: 0.005
Active Area Pixel Well Depth: 80,000 e-
Gain Register Pixel Well Depth•76: 730,000 e-
Linearity•8: Better than 99.9%
Vertical Clock Speed: 0.6 to 4.33 µs (user selectable)
Timestamp Accuracy: 10 ns


1. Single Photon Sensitive & > 95% QE - Optimal SNR in light starved applications such as single molecule detection and the best signal-to-noise ratio in quantum physics.
2. Added "SRRF-Stream" (optional) - real-time, unit super-resolution function. Live and fixed cells, work on most modern fluorescence microscopes. Resolution up to 50 nm.
3. The overclocking reading speed follows the dynamic change process.
4. Crop Mode - Continuous imaging at the fastest frame rate from the center position roi. High support for live cell super-resolution and more (e.g. 251 fps, 256 x 256 ROI).
5. TE cooled to -80 °C - removes dark current detection limit.
6. Superior Baseline Clamping and Electromagnetic Stability - Necessary for Quantitative Accuracy of Dynamic Measurements.
7. Absolute EMCCD gain can be directly selected from linear and quantitative scales.
8. OptAcquire - Optimize the highly flexible iXon to meet different application needs with the click of a button.
9. Counting Transformations - Quantitatively capture and view data in electrons or incident photons. Applied in real-time or post-processing, the count transformation does this important transformation for you.
10. EMCAL™ - Patented user self-calibrating electromagnetic gain.

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