AutoPore V Automated Mercury Porosimeter Models 9505, Micromeritics Instrument Corporation (CAT#: STEM-LE-0455-LC)


The high-resolution (submicroliter) intrusion/extrusion volume measurement produces extraordinary accuracy, allowing the development of more stringent sample specifications, improved production processes and high-quality research data
Run in scan and time or intrusion rate balance mode
Real-time diagnosis can provide knowledge about the problem before it becomes serious or damages your analysis results

Cat Number: STEM-LE-0455-LC

Application: Pharmaceuticals, Ceramics, Adsorbents, Catalyst, Paper, Medical Implants, Electronics, Aerospace, Geoscience, Fuel Cells, Filtration and Construction Materials

Model: Models 9505

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Compared with other methods, the AutoPore V Automated Mercury Porosimeter is able to determine a wider pore size distribution more quickly and accurately. The instrument also has enhanced safety features and provides new data reduction and reporting options that can provide more information about the pore geometry and the fluid transmission characteristics of material.


Pressure Range: Low Pressure: 0 to 50 psi, High Pressure: up to 33,000 psi
Measuring Range: Low Pressure: 360 to 3.6 um, High Pressure: 6 to 0.0055 um
Pore diameters: 0.003 to 1100 µm
Gases: Nitrogen or Other clean, dry gas at 50 psig
Method: Mercury Intrusion
Measures: Pore Size, Volume, Distribution, Density and Other Porosity-related Characteristics


The high-resolution (submicroliter) intrusion/extrusion volume measurement produces extraordinary accuracy, allowing the development of more stringent sample specifications, improved production processes and high-quality research data
Run in scan and time or intrusion rate balance mode
Real-time diagnosis can provide knowledge about the problem before it becomes serious or damages your analysis results
Collect extremely high-resolution data; mercury intrusion and extrusion are better than 0.1 µL
Improved linear motion for high-pressure chamber closure
Improved safety functions prevent mercury leakage and operator exposure
Provides four low pressure and two high pressure ports to increase sample throughput
Low noise, high pressure generating system
Fast scan mode enables continuous pressure increase, approaches equilibrium and provides faster screening
By correcting the compressibility and thermal effects caused by high pressure, a baseline correction procedure (automatic, differential or manual) can be selected to improve accuracy.
Mercury temperature sensor automatically calculates the density of mercury used in the calibration of the penetrometer
MicroActive software allows you to process data interactively, define custom reports and quickly obtain analysis results
Material compression compensation under high pressure analysis

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