Beckman Coulter Cell In New Jersey, USA (CAT#: STEM-GLEPO-0559-YJL)

Cat Number: STEM-GLEPO-0559-YJL

Application: Used in laboratories

Model: STEM-GLEPO-0559-YJL

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Beckman Coulter Cell In New Jersey, USA, model STEM-GLEPO-0559-YJL, is manufactured by Beckman - Coulter general laboratory equipment.
Lab Quanta with computer


Condition: Used
Wavelength Range: 190 to 1100 nm
Wavelength Setability: 0.1 nm Increments
Wavelength Accuracy
-At 656.1 nm: + 0.2 nm
-Full Range: + 0.5 nm
Wavelength Repeatability
-At 656.1 nm: + 0.1 nm
-Full Range: + 0.2 nm
Spectral Bandwidth (from 200 to 680 nm): < = 1.8 nm
Photometric Readout: -0.300 to 3.000A or 0.0 to 200%T
Photometric Accuracy (at 1A with NIST 930D solid filter at 546 nm): + 0.005A
RMS Noise (at 0A, average of 10 standard deviations of 10 readings at 0.05 sec intervals, at 500 nm): < 0.0002A RMS
Stray Light (measured using NaI at 220nm, per ASTM E387-84): < 0.05%T
Stability(0A, constant ambient conditions, measured for one hour at 340 nm after one hour warmup): < 0.003A/hr
RMS Baseline Flatness from 200 to 900 nm, at 0 A: + 0.001A RMS
Scanning Speeds: 120, 240, 600, 1200, 2400 nm/min

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