Bio-Rad CHEF-DR II Gel Electrophoresis System, Bio-Rad (CAT#: STEM-E-0915-LGZ)


1. The CHef-DR II system can efficiently and reliably separate DNA fragments from 5 KB to 6 Mb.
2. The system allows the input of two consecutive sets of operating conditions, and the resolution is improved.
3. The Chef-DR II system uses only the most common angle for PFGE electrophoresis, which is 120 °.

Cat Number: STEM-E-0915-LGZ

Application: For electrophoresis applications.


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The manufacturer of Bio-Rad CHEF-DR II Gel Electrophoresis System is Bio-Rad. Model is CHEF-DR II. Includes: Cooling Module, Control Module, Drive Module.


Condition: used
Drive Module

Dimensions (W x D x H): 43 x 26 x 14 cm
Construction: Aluminum chassis
Weight: 8 kg (17.2 lb)
Maximum voltage:250 V DC
Maximum current: 500 mA
Electrode potentials:Dynamically regulated (feedback adjustment) +/- 0.5%
Input voltage range:
90–132 VAC/47–63 Hz/0.7 A (maximum)
198–264 VAC/47–63 Hz/0.35 A (maximum)
5 A Fast Blow for high voltage output (front panel)
A Slow-Blow (100/120 V) or
5 A Slow-Blow (220/240 V)
Control Module

Dimensions (W x D x H): 31 x 13.5 x 17 cm
Maximum current: 500 mA
Allowable voltage gradients:6–6 V/cm, in 0.1 V/cm increments
Data entry: Keyboard
Power supply: 250 V maximum, to allow maximum gradient of 6 V/cm, continuously adjustable
Cooling Module

Chassis: Aluminum
Dimensions (W x L x H):23 x 42 x 24 cm
Weight: 14 kg (30.1 lb)
Compressor:1/12 HP
Refrigerant:CFC 12
Heat exchanger:Stainless steel
Operating range: 5°C–25°C
Cooling rate (pre-cool):75°C/min from ambient to 14°C
Cooling capacity (input power): 75 W at 14°C
Input voltage range
90–132 VAC/47–63 Hz/4 A
198–264 VAC/47–63 Hz/2 A
3 A Slow-Blow (100/120 V) or
0 A Slow-Blow (220/240 V)


1. The CHef-DR II system can efficiently and reliably separate DNA fragments from 5 KB to 6 Mb.
2. The system allows the input of two consecutive sets of operating conditions, and the resolution is improved.
3. The Chef-DR II system uses only the most common angle for PFGE electrophoresis, which is 120 °.
4. The system is simple in programming and reliable in operation.
5. CHef-DR II system consists of electrophoresis tank, drive module, control module, variable speed pump and accessories, cooling module connected with CHef-DR II cooler system.
6. Automation: The chef-DR II system is the most cost-effective PFGE instrument, requiring direct user input to optimize run times, voltage gradients, and transition intervals.
7. Custom: Users can program operating conditions in the chef-Dr II system. Customers know that, for the first time, a large number of electrophoresis conditions are available in different separation ranges. Separation ranges for various particle sizes can be entered based on these operating conditions.
8. Application diversity: the most common separation range, with a fixed angle of 120°. The system can separate fragments up to 6 mb by adjusting electrophoresis conditions, such as lower pressure and extended electrophoresis time.

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