Bio-Rad Gel Doc EZ Imager Documentation Imaging System 735BR & Trays w/Warranty, 107.8×107.8um, model Gel Doc EZ is manufactured by Bio-Rad. The Gel Doc EZ is a compact and automated imaging system. Trays specific for different applications afford flexibility and the Image Lab™ software provides publication-quality images and analyzed results with a push of a button. The system provides unparalleled flexibility with the use of four application-specific trays, which include a UV tray (for ethidium bromide staining of DNA gels and fluorescence imaging), a white tray (for Coomassie, copper, silver, and zinc stains), a blue tray (for nucleic acid applications that use SYBR® stains), and a stain-free tray for stain-free imaging. The intuitive Image Lab™ software has capabilities such as auto image capture, auto analysis, user preferences, and myriad other features, making imaging and analysis incredibly easy.
60 Days Warranty Working Good. Please see pictures for details. Will ship from Delaware USA Easy to use — educators not familiar with the imager can use the system easily because there is no need for manual control of filters, lens, or lights. Create a default protocol once, then use the green button on the front of the instrument to reproducibly use these settings time and again Publication-quality images and completely analyzed results — get clean and smooth publication-ready images with decreased pixelation when images are cropped or zoomed. Get analyzed results, including relative molecular weights, quantitation of bands, Excel reports, PDFs, and more, within a matter of minutes Time and space saving — obtain results faster without spending time on various steps in image acquisition and save valuable benchspace using this compact system Modular design and flexible options — use specific trays for specific applications. Clearly defined and color-coded trays eliminate confusion. Purchase only what you want and upgrade when your needs change Stain-free technology — condense your 2-hr Coomassie protocol into a 5-min stain-and-image step with this stain-free imaging system. Stain-free gels are western blot compatible, allowing you to check electrophoresis results and quality prior to western blotting. These "green" gels provide equal or better sensitivity compared to Coomassie staining and eliminate organic waste disposal concerns
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