BioRad BioLogic BioFrac Fraction Collector In Working Condition Prior To Being M In Shippensburg, PA, USA (CAT#: STEM-CPO-0075-YJL)


Collection in time or drop mode (or volume mode when connected to a BioLogic DuoFlow System, BioLogic LP System, or Econo Gradient Pump)
Collection of peaks by peak detection, time windows (up to 20), or a combination of both
Drop arm movement in an x, y motion over each collection vessel; column, row, or serpentine pattern option available for microplates or Titertube® Micro Test Tubes

Cat Number: STEM-CPO-0075-YJL

Application: For analytical and preparative chromatography applications


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BioRad BioLogic BioFrac Fraction Collector In Working Condition Prior To Being M In Shippensburg, PA, USA, model Bio-Rad BIOLOGIC BIOFRAC, is manufactured by Bio-Rad general medical equipment.
The BioFrac Fraction Collector is ideal for analytical and preparative chromatography applications; it's easy to program and can be used for basic or complex fraction collection schemes at flow rates ≤100 ml/min. Available as a stand-alone fraction collector or as a component of the BioLogic DuoFlow™ and BioLogic™ LP Chromatography Systems, the BioFrac Fraction Collector offers flexibility with numerous collection rack options, including both custom and off-the-shelf collection racks.
The custom racks provide a wide range of collection capability, from drops to liters. Off-the-shelf racks extend the versatility of collection schemes and provide cost-effective storage of samples. Off-the-shelf racks are autoclavable, can be easily assembled, and lie flat, using little storage space.


Condition: Used


Collection in time or drop mode (or volume mode when connected to a BioLogic DuoFlow System, BioLogic LP System, or Econo Gradient Pump)
Collection of peaks by peak detection, time windows (up to 20), or a combination of both
Drop arm movement in an x, y motion over each collection vessel; column, row, or serpentine pattern option available for microplates or Titertube® Micro Test Tubes
Dispenser arm that is manually adjustable to tube heights ≤150 mm
Numerous off-the-shelf racks to accommodate tubes (12–20 mm diameter), Eppendorf or other microtubes (0.5, 1.5, or 2.0 ml), or scintillation vials
Multirun feature that allows overlay of fractions
Highly reliable, quiet, problem-free operation with minimal maintenance requirements
Optional BioFrac Ice Bath/Microplate Rack with tube grips that hold tubes firmly in any position; ice bath rack allows cooling of 13 mm tubes or serves as a rack for microplates and tubes that adhere to SBS standards
Optional BioFrac Prep-20 Preparative Rack with up to 20 collection ports for collection from bottles to carboys
Optional microplate drophead kit for precise collection of small volumes into microplates
1 NGC Communication Adaptor and Cable for connecting the BioFrac Fraction Collector to the NGC Chromatography System

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