Biorad Gel Doc XR+ Imaging System with Image Lab Software & Laptop Working Great, 4.65 x 4.65 µm, Bio-Rad (CAT#: STEM-EPO-0004-YJL)


Refurbished Biorad Gel Doc XR+ Imaging System
Comes with Image Lab Software & Laptop
Calibrated, Working Great, 60 days warranty

Cat Number: STEM-EPO-0004-YJL

Application: For fast, integrated, and automated image capture and analysis of various samples

Model: Gel Doc XR+ Imaging

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Biorad Gel Doc XR+ Imaging System with Image Lab Software & Laptop Working Great, 4.65 x 4.65 µm, model Gel Doc XR+ Imaging is manufactured by Bio-Rad.
The Gel Doc XR+ System is based on CCD high-resolution, high-sensitivity detection technology and modular options to accommodate a wide range of samples and support multiple detection methods including fluorescence and colorimetric detection. The Gel Doc XR+ System is controlled by Image Lab Software to optimize imager performance for fast, integrated, and automated image capture and analysis of various samples.
The system accommodates a wide array of samples, from large handcast polyacrylamide gels to small ReadyAgarose Gels and various blots. The system is an ideal accompaniment to PCR, purification, and electrophoresis systems, enabling image analysis and documentation of restriction digests, amplified nucleic acids, genetic fingerprinting, RFLPs, and protein purification and characterization.


Condition: Refurbished
Maximum sample size: 28 x 36 cm
Maximum image area: 19.4 x 26 cm
Excitation source: Epi-white light and trans-UV (302 nm) are standard (optional 365 nm lamp available); optional trans-white conversion screen and XcitaBlue™ UV/blue conversion screen available
Illumination control: 3 modes (trans-UV, trans white, epi-white)
Detector: CCD
Image resolution: 4 megapixels
Pixel size (H x V): 4.65 x 4.65 µm
Filter holder: 3 positions (2 for filters, 1 without filter)
Emission filters: 1 included (standard), 3 optional
Dynamic range: >3.0 orders of magnitude
Pixel density (gray levels): 4,096
Dynamic flat fielding: Application specific, for all applications
Instrument size (L x W x H): 36 x 60 x 96 cm
Instrument weight: 32 kg
Operating Ranges
Operating voltage: 110/115/230 V AC nominal
Operating temperature: 10–28°C (21°C recommended)
Working humidity: <70% noncondensing


Refurbished Biorad Gel Doc XR+ Imaging System
Comes with Image Lab Software & Laptop
Calibrated, Working Great, 60 days warranty
only have one in stock
Pick up available at Delaware 19703
Gel and blot imaging and analysis are quick and accurate
Automated, hands-off routines; no training is required
Save and recall all the steps in the workflow for repeatable and reproducible results
Optimize the system at setup for image data that is always accurate, reproducible, and free of imaging artifacts
Wide range of applications with special accessories to preserve sample integrity for downstream research while ensuring user safety
Comprehensive, automated quantitative analysis of protein and DNA samples in seconds
Customize and organize data in reports
Obtain publication-quality results quickly

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