BK Precision Capacitance Meter 820, 0.1 pF on 1000 pF In Elgin, IL, USA (CAT#: STEM-AIPO-0180-YJL)


Manual Ranging Capacitance Meter
Range: 10 ranges with full scale values from 999.9 pF to 999.9 mF. Reads from 0.1 pF to 999.9 mF
Accuracy: 0.5% of full scale ± 1 LSD (least significant digit) on 1000 pF to 100 µF ranges. 1% of full scale ± LSD on 1000 µF to 1000 mF ranges

Cat Number: STEM-AIPO-0180-YJL

Application: Used to measure discrete capacitors and come in bench and portable varieties

Model: 820

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BK Precision Capacitance Meter 820, 0.1 pF on 1000 pF In Elgin, IL, USA, model 820, is manufactured by BK Precision capacitance meters.
The 820 is a Hand Held Capacitance Meter from BK Precision. Capacitance meters are used to measure discrete capacitors and come in bench and portable varieties.


Condition: Used
Range: 10 ranges with full scale values from 999.9 pF to 999.9 mF. Reads from 0.1 pF to 999.9 mF
Accuracy: 0.5% of full scale ± 1 LSD (least significant digit) on 1000 pF to 100 µF ranges. 1% of full scale ± LSD on 1000 µF to 1000 mF ranges
Resolution: 0.1 pF on 1000 pF range;.01% of full scale on all ranges
Reading time: 0.6 SEC max to 1000 µF, increasing to 35 SEC at 1 Farad
Overrange: All ranges, bottom segment of all digits light up giving (- - - -) indication
Display: 4-digit LED Display
Front panel controls: 10-position range switch, zero adjust, on-off switch
Test connections: Spring-tensioned slot type capacitor socket and banana jacks for accepting standard test leads
Power source: 4 standard "C" Cells (4.4 to 6 volts). Nicad, alkaline, or zinc carbon, with provision for charger
Battery life: At least 6 hours continuous operation. At least 2 weeks of typical intermittent use
Operating temperature: 0 to 50° C (32 to 100° F)


Manual Ranging Capacitance Meter
Range: 10 ranges with full scale values from 999.9 pF to 999.9 mF. Reads from 0.1 pF to 999.9 mF
Accuracy: 0.5% of full scale ± 1 LSD (least significant digit) on 1000 pF to 100 µF ranges. 1% of full scale ± LSD on 1000 µF to 1000 mF ranges
Resolution: 0.1 pF on 1000 pF range;.01% of full scale on all ranges
Reading Time: 0.6 SEC max to 1000 µF, increasing to 35 SEC at 1 Farad
Overrange: All ranges, bottom segment of all digits light up giving (- - - -) indication
Display: 4-digit LED Display
Front Panel Controls: 10-position range switch, zero adjust, on-off switch
Test Connections: Spring-tensioned slot type capacitor socket and banana jacks for accepting standard test leads
Power Source: 4 standard "C" Cells (4.4 to 6 volts).

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