Carestream® BioMax® MR Film, 8 in. (20 cm) × 10 in. (25 cm), Carestream Health (CAT#: STEM-L-0025-LKN)

Cat Number: STEM-L-0025-LKN

Application: Autoradiography.

Model: Z350370

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Carestream® BioMax® MR Film, model Z350370 is manufactured by Carestream Health. This product is a single emulsion film which provides the highest resolution and clearest background. It is the most sensitive film for 14C, 35S and 33P autoradiography. For 32P direct exposure, screen exposure and chemiluminescence, the resolution is higher than X-OMAT AR and BioMax MS, but the sensitivity is reduced.


Packaging: 50 Sheets.