Chattilon LTCM-100 Motorized Test Stand, 120-220VAC, 1 Amp, Chatillon (CAT#: STEM-AIPO-0045-YJL)


Selectable Speed Control with LED Indicator
Independent Return Speed
Digital Load Limits (New!)

Cat Number: STEM-AIPO-0045-YJL

Application: For applications requiring an economical solution to tensile or compression testing

Model: LTCM 100

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Chattilon LTCM-100 Motorized Test Stand, 120-220VAC, 1 Amp, model LTCM 100, is manufactured by Chatillon.
The Chatillon® LTCM-100 Series motorized tester, combined with a Chatillon gauge, is perfect for applications requiring an economical solution to tensile or compression testing. The LTCM-100 motorized test stand has a large work area making it ideal for production environment or applications with large test samples. Crosshead movement is operator controlled using a switch that can be set to move the crosshead up or down at a specified speed. An optional footswitch can be used for "hands-free operation” and used to control crosshead movement. Speed is user-selectable. Positive braking and high and low limits are standard. Tester includes mechanical and digital load limits that can be used to control crosshead movement, e.g. stop the crosshead when a load limit is achieved.


Condition: Used
Electrical: 120-220VAC, 50/60Hz, 1 Amp
0.2 to 20.0 inch/min
5.0 to 500 mm/min
15-inches (380mm) Travel


Selectable Speed Control with LED Indicator
Independent Return Speed
Digital Load Limits (New!)
Mechanical Deflection Limits
Large Working Area
Lightweight, Portable Design
Remote Footswitch Crosshead Controller (New!)
Load Measurement System
Chatillon Force Gauges

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