Chroma 12061 In Lake Mary, FL, USA, model 12061, is manufactured by Chroma electrical test instruments. The 12061 6.5 Digital Multimeter has assorted settings of resolution, integration time and ranges that allow users to optimize the configuration of measurement speed, resolution and accuracy when in individual measurement test mode. The 12061 has built-in a high speed, low interference A/D converter with a maximum speed of 2000 rdgs/s it is the best solution for high speed measurement.
Condition: Used Current: 20 A Voltage: 80 V Power: 100 W Full protection: OV, OC, OP, OT and reverse protection
6 1/2 digits resolution. 11 types of measurement characteristics Resistance 2 or 4-wire ohms measurement Period & frequency - Diode & continuity Temperature (Thermocouple & RTD) Up to 2000 readings memory storage Fast & High Performance
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