Chroma 63209 In Lake Mary, FL, USA (CAT#: STEM-GLEPO-0781-YJL)


15 kW, 1000 A, 80 V DC electronic load
Four modes for different applications: CC, CR, CV, CP
Master/Slave parallel control capability

Cat Number: STEM-GLEPO-0781-YJL

Application: Designed for DC power source, power electronic devices and components testing

Model: 63209

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Chroma 63209 In Lake Mary, FL, USA, model 63209, is manufactured by Chroma power supplies.
The Chroma Electronic Loads 63200 series are designed for DC power source, power electronic devices and components testing. The high power rating, parallel and synchronization capabilities make them the ideal tool for testing the high power UUT such as SMR,UPS, battery, and fuel cell.
The 63200 series offers 10 different models with power range from 2600 watts to 15600 watts, current from 50A to 1000A and up to 500V input voltage. The 4 load modes setup provide different load simulations for various application occasions. The CC/CR modes are designed to test constant voltage type of power supply. CV mode is used to test battery charger and current source, while CP mode is ideal for battery testing by simulating the real discharge curve.
The 63200 series can draw its rated current under very low voltage (1V typical) even under the highest specified slew rate.


Condition: Used


15 kW, 1000 A, 80 V DC electronic load
Four modes for different applications: CC, CR, CV, CP
Master/Slave parallel control capability
Dynamic loading up to 20 kHz
LCD / LED display
Simulates external loading waveform, short circuit and short circuit current
OP, OC, OV, OT and reverse protection built in
RS-232 & GPIB interface with remote controller

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