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Cold Hot Plate Test, Bioseb (CAT#: STEM-LEAR-1203-YJL)


Simple to use, fast and accurate
Can be used as a stand-alone instrument
Allows testing of sensitivity to both hot and cold stimulus

Cat Number: STEM-LEAR-1203-YJL

Application: Analgesic drug screening<br />Basal pain sensitivity phenotyping<br />Integrated supraspinal responses<br />Pain sensitivity alterations induced by a specific experimental context change<br />Pain sensitivity alterations induced by genetic manipulations<br />Animal Models of Nociception (rats and mice)

Model: BIO-CHP

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Cold Hot Plate Test, model BIO-CHP is manufactured by Bioseb
For testing animal's thermal sensitivity to pain resulting from exposure to heat or cold: the Cold Hot Plate is an innovative instrument opening new investigation fields for your analgesia and nociception research, and a useful tool for analgesic drug screening using rats or mice models.


Accuracy: Temp accuracy +/- 0.5 degrees C. Temperature uniformity on plate +/- 0.5 degrees C.
ambient environment, 50% RH)


Simple to use, fast and accurate
Can be used as a stand-alone instrument
Allows testing of sensitivity to both hot and cold stimulus
Unmatched temperature stability and control for both heat and cold
Fast reach to set temperatures
Homogeneous temperature surface
Practical foot switch timing operation
Optional Ramp software will allow the user to define temperature ramps and loops (slope in °C/min, start and end points) and store results

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