ContainerSEAL® XL Sealing Tape, W × L 1 in. × 108 ft, Clear, Z743328, Diversified Biotech (CAT#: STEM-L-5106-Y)


Legal Information: ContainerSEAL is a registered trademark of Diversified Biotech

Cat Number: STEM-L-5106-Y

Model: Z743328

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Enjoy all the benefits of PetriSEAL and ContainerSEAL in a new wider format. ContainerSEAL XL makes it easier to seal large containers and bottles and to cover wider gaps ensuring a tight seal.


Mfr.: Diversified Biotech, CSEAL-XLC
W × L: 1 in. × 108 ft
Color: clear


Legal Information: ContainerSEAL is a registered trademark of Diversified Biotech