Contoured Armboard Pad, Large, 24" x 5.75" x 2.25", Action Products (CAT#: STEM-MIE-0691-LC)


MRI safe
Radiolucent and non-conductive
Latex free

Cat Number: STEM-MIE-0691-LC

Application: Ideal for prone position, especially laminectomy procedures

Model: 40306

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Contoured Armboard Pad manufactured by Action Products provides excellent full-arm coverage and reduces chance of rolling patient's arm. Contoured design cradles patient's arm, protects biceps, elbows and forearms.


Size: 24" x 5.75" x 2.25" (61cm x 15cm x 6cm)
Packaging: Per Each


MRI safe
Radiolucent and non-conductive
Latex free