Determination of Boiling Point of Petroleum Products by Distillation Method (CAT#: STEM-PPA-0147-YJL)


We call crude oil and petroleum fossil fuels because they are mixtures of hydrocarbons that formed from the remains of animals and plants (diatoms) that lived millions of years ago in a marine environment before dinosaurs existed. Crude oil and other hydrocarbons exist in liquid or gaseous form in underground pools, or reservoirs, in tiny spaces within sedimentary rocks and near the earth's surface in tar (or oil) sands. Petroleum products are fuels made from crude oil and the hydrocarbons contained in natural gas. Petroleum products can also be made from coal, natural gas, and biomass. After crude oil is removed from the ground, it is sent to a refinery where different parts of the crude oil are separated into useable petroleum products.


The boiling point of a compound is the temperature at which it changes from a liquid to a gas under a certain pressure. This is a physical property often used to identify substances or to check the purity of the compound. Boiling point is the temperature at which the vapor pressure of the liquid exactly equals the pressure exerted on it, causing the liquid to "boil" or change to the gas phase. If the volume of the liquid is large, its boiling point can be determined by distillation.


Chemical industry


1. Install the device
2. Add sample and zeolite
3. Introduce condensate
4. Heat
5. After the distillation is completed, remove the heat source first, and then stop the water flow


• Sample Type: liquid