Drager Infinity Kappa Vital Signs Monitor Model 1P5737973 E549U, Dräger (CAT#: STEM-MEMEPO-0015-ZJF)


In excellent condition
Thoroughly cleaned
Fully tested to perform at manufacturer specifications

Cat Number: STEM-MEMEPO-0015-ZJF

Application: For patient monitoring

Model: 1P5737973 E549U

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The manufacturer of the Drager Infinity Kappa Vital Signs Monitor Model 1P5737973 E549Uis Dräger.
Intended for fixed monitoring at the bedside, the Kappa monitor supports all patients from adults to neonates, in all acuity levels. The standard monitor includes a CPU base unit that is compatible with standard medical-grade, flat-panel displays.
The product is located in Big Lake, MN, USA.


Condition: Certified Pre-owned
Drager Infinity Kappa:
PARAMETERS: ECG, HR, respiration, NIBP, SpO2, temperature, IBP, pulse rate, ST/arrhythmia (adult, pediatric only), EEG (4 channels), ETCO2, CO, tcpO2/CO2, FiO2, VCO2, ventilator parameters, anesthetic gas, respiratory mechanics, NMT, BIS X
ECG: yes
Hr range, bpm: 15-300
Arrhythmia detect: Yes
St analysis: Yes
Precision: +/-1% or +/-2 bpm
INTERPRETATION: Yes, with 12-lead pod and ICS
Number of leads: Up to 12 with 12-lead pod
No. of leads analyzed: 1 or 2
No. of leads analyzed: Optional 3 or 12
POWER NEEDED, VAC: 100-240 @ 3.7 A maximum
PATIENT TYPE: Adult, pediatric, neonate


In excellent condition
Thoroughly cleaned
Fully tested to perform at manufacturer specifications

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