DSC 404 F3 Pegasus® High-Temperature DSC / DTA Analyzer, NETZSCH-Gerätebau GmbH (CAT#: STEM-LE-0581-LC)

Cat Number: STEM-LE-0581-LC

Application: Analyze the thermal effect in the sample

Model: DSC 404 F3

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The DSC 404 F3 Pegasus® High-Temperature DSC / DTA Analyzer is specifically tailored to the requirements of comparative material characterization and quality control. The DSC 404 F3 Pegasus® High-Temperature DSC / DTA Analyzer can operate in the temperature range of -150°C to 2000°C with various DTA and DSC sensors that are easily exchangeable by the user and various furnace types. The sample chamber can be purged with inert or oxidizing gas to remove the gas generated in the sample. The measuring system is vacuum sealed (10mbar).


Temperature Range:-150 °C to 2000 °C
Measuring Range:Cp measuring range: 0 to 5 J/(g*K)
Sample Type:Solid or Liquid
Principle:Heat-Flux DSC
Heating Rate:0.001 K/min to 50 K/min (dependent on furnace)
Cooling Rate:Rate: 0.001 to approx. 50 K/min (furnace dependent)

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